I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate memory slips.
Why does my brain work so stupidly?
I just finished another recital hour performance. I played the first two movements of my Beethoven 109, Liebestod, and my Kapustin etude "Pastorale". I was so ready for this. I knew it well, and I've already performed these pieces so many times in the past.
I completely butchered the first two pieces. The middle section of the first movement of 109 was a disaster. I was so focused on the long line of my right hand that I completely forgot the LH pattern. I stopped because I couldn't figure out what was next and I didn't want to to skip too far ahead so I went back and started the middle section over. And I did this hmm, three or four more times? It was so retarded that the rest of the movement was just whatever. I just gave up hope. And it's so stupid because my first page was so amazing after having several lessons on it again. Thankfully 2nd movement went decently well.
The Liebestod, to my surprise, was also another disaster. Right after the introduction, I had a memory slip. It was probably my worst nervous spot because there's so much counter-melody chromaticism that I haven't really been paying attention to. I've been so focused on my muscle memory that when that somehow shuts down for a brief moment, I don't remember what the counter-melody notes are anymore. This was a worser disaster than the Beethoven. I felt my face turn red and I became frustrated, and for every single time I repeated that section in hopes of getting out of it, it got more aggressive and more hopeless. FINALLY, by some miracle, my muscle memory system turned back on and I was able to progress with the piece. The only plus side to having a bad memory slip is that for the rest of the piece, I usually become disinterested in doing my best that I actually relax and naturally everything sounds good. And so for the rest of Liebestod, it went well. I really tried to be unaffected by the traumatic experiences I just had.
Kapustin was ironically my best performance of the day. Probably my best performance I've had in a very very long time. Actually, I might be confident enough to say that it was one of my best live performances of this piece ever. Kapustin has always been the scariest memory problem piece for me. I worked for the past two weeks basically tearing apart the piece and molding it back to what it had been freshman year, both physically and mentally. And I can see that it really paid off because the past few performances, both casual and formal, have been memory-problem free. I guess I'm thankful for a good ending of my program today.
I rushed off stage and didn't even stop to greet my friends and teachers. I was so disgusted by myself and so ashamed that I went back to the third floor practice room and carried on with my agenda. Of course, I couldn't completely hide away. My teacher Alan Chow called me and told me so many positive things about my performance. I just love that he's so supportive. Sometimes I have a hard time fully believing in all the good things he says because he already says anything bad about my playing lol. But sometimes, whether I want to believe it or not, I just need that positive support. And then Sooky wrote on my Facebook wall just now complimenting my playing. Which is actually surprising because Sooky and I don't really talk much and for her to go out of her own way to comment on that was nice of her. But still, when I'm in this frustrated state, I actually become bitter towards people's comments. I know that THEY know how much I screwed up today. And I just can't stand listening to compliments when I know myself that I was completely dissatisfied with my performance.
And here are some other thoughts...
Sometimes I feel I am too ambitious for my own good. I talk about how I want to audition at Juilliard for grad school, I perform in every possible opportunity that I can, I ferociously search for competitions to do, I try to scout out the best chamber musicians to play with.... I know I shouldn't be swayed by what other people think of me, but I wonder -- do they think that I'm being too ambitious? If I was actually good at performing, then maybe being "ambitious" would be a good, proportionate thing.
I'm frustrated that I constantly expose my weaknesses to the entire piano department. Of all the performances I've had a Lutkin Hall, more than half were probably destroyed by memory slips. I probably have this reputation among my peers as someone who just has an unstable mind when she performs. I feel like I have the worst case of this compared to most other pianists. Why then, do I care about my reputation so much in the first place? I just want my performances to seem effortless. I don't want it to seem that I'm working too hard.
I also don't understand why I am so stubborn. I probably don't listen to my pieces enough, or run them through in my head. I probably am not fixing practicing habits because they require so much mental energy from me. I'm running out of time. Auditions are right around the corner, and if I don't fix these mental habits, I may end up regretting it. It's so stupid really -- I know what I need to work on.... I just don't. And then these kinds of performances always occur... well, gee, I wonder why!
Ughhgughgughgughgh. I feel like I've been broken down so much as a pianist. When can it start getting better? Is my hard work even going to pay off in the end?
EDIT: I've been very blessed by some of the compliments I received about my performance today throughout the rest of the day. And I know that these people mean what they say... or else they wouldn't have gone out of their way to message me. I know there are people out there that probably think of me negatively, but whatever. I shouldn't be so stressed out about that. I know that there are people who support me. And that even though they see my struggles, they still want the best for me.
From Karen Ding, my freshman in my Peer Adviser group, mentioned me on one of her tweets:
"@Fantasiex3 you sounded great at recital hour! i always enjoy hearing you play
And then Sooky's comment on Facebook:
GREAT job at recital hour today! I especially love your Kapustin it's so much fun
ALTHOUGH, I gotta say the best part was when Dr. Buccheri clapped after your Tristen&Isolde piece HAHAHAHA. but anyways, congrats on another awesome performance
haha you're seriously getting better by the minute... TELL ME YOUR SECRET hahahaha
Then in the evening, Guanchen messaged me on Facebook, just to tell me about my performance:
hey! couldn't find you after recital hour quick enough i had to go.
but AWESOME job today you're definitely one of my favorite pianists here, your sound is great and full and your stage presence is amazing-confident and relaxed.
okay just wanted to tell you that, bye
I was really, sincerely touched by these comments from my friends. And that's when I realize that I shouldn't give up... that I should keep my chin up and move forward with life.
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