July 30, 2013
To my dear friend, "Xanga"
It is just incredibly hard to believe that Xanga will be shutting down tomorrow. This may be the last time I will be logging onto Xanga, and this may be the very last post I will be writing here.
Many of my friends have had Xanga but I don't know very many people who have continued to write even to this day. Just like the flow of traffic, they have all moved onto greater social websites, namely Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest, and more. I don't exactly know why I never followed that flow. Perhaps it is the fact that Xanga felt like one of my best friends, and I didn't want to abandon it and leave it behind.
Xanga has seen me grow from an immature and naive child, to an angsty teenager, and now to a full-fledged, legal adult. I can't say that many people have seen me grow up like that.
Xanga is by far the oldest best friend I have. I've had Xanga before I met my lifelong best friend, Jihye, and definitely way before I met my love, Tiedan.
Xanga was there before my epic gaming days that officially started on July 3rd, 2004.
Xanga was there several years before I even started my YouTube channel, which became a huge part of my life and my identity.
Xanga was there to hear me rant about everything, and blabber about nothing.
Xanga was there even before the first time I've starting dating dumb guys.
Xanga was there before I even owned my first cellphone and first laptop.
Xanga was there before my Myspace and Facebook days.
Xanga was there when my siblings were in 1st and 4th grade, and now my brother is the last one left to finish high school.
Xanga was there as the first "person" I went to when I couldn't hold in my frustration or anger.
And most of all, Xanga was there to hold all the good memories for me, especially since my brain can only hold so much vividly.
Xanga accurately shows that I can go from tYpInG lYk DiS, with horrible and incomprehensible grammar, to writing in complete thoughts, divided by sentences and paragraphs.
Xanga accurately shows my growth as a pianist -- the struggles that I've faced and the glorious moments I have achieved.
Xanga accurately provides the dates to my memories. When my own memory failed me as I was working on my resume during senior year of high school, I had to look back to Xanga to help me remember when certain events had happened.
I thank Xanga for being there when I was lonely because I had no friends. I also thank Xanga for being there when I was lonely because I had "too many" friends.
And although I won't have Xanga physically any longer, I will continue to write... whether I find another online blogging site like Livejournal, or write for my own personal uses on Microsoft Word. It is my own mother who has shown me to record down my thoughts, ever since she bought me my first diary for my 10th birthday. And I am so forever grateful that even more than a decade later, I am still writing.
If words and actions can reveal my state of being,
and music can reveal my passion and drive,
then words can most definitely reveal my thoughts, my emotions, my i m a g i n a t i o n.
It has truly been an exhilarating 9 years, 1 month, and 13 days. Or in Xanga's words: "Hi xsherryxkimx! It's been 3331 (wow, that's a big number) days since you joined Xanga…"
Thank you.
Comments (2)
Fun while it lasted.
You're the only one I know who stayed with Xanga for so long and I thank you for that
Because you reminded me to look into my old Xanga from time to time, I was able to relive those memories. Love you best friend. We will find some other outlet to write down our days. <3
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